Inversions with DPS Skis - The Shadow Campaign


Baldface Lodge, nestled in interior British Columbia, is renowned for harboring some of the worlds finest powder. Except in December 2014, when the DPS crew arrived to make a short ski flick. At that point, things weren't quite so lovely. Fighting against record low-tide early season conditions under gray and grim skies, their best option was to take to the air-- building jumps, getting upside down, and making lemonade outta lemons. But finally, for one incredible day, the clouds dropped into the valleys, creating a stunning inversion, and at last offering access to a few sunny bigger lines. Proving that even the toughest trip can sometimes turn right side up.

The Shadow Campaign: 4 Short Films // Valle Nevado - Mt. Baker - Refugio Frey - Baldface.

Featuring: Zack Giffin, Santiago Guzman, Olof Larsson, and Piers Solomon



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