Travis Rice POV 1st Descent of Nyle's Line

Snowboarding NYLE'S Line.

"We spent a few weeks getting to ride in the CMH Heli-Skiing & Summer Adventures Terrain in BC. I spotted this line one day while coming out of the field and snapped a photo of it. I couldn't get it out of my head. Halfway through our trip we were hit with the news that one of our favorite mountain men, Nyle Mulkey-Chose passed in a car accident. A few days after, conditions lined up to give her a go, I know this would have been a dream line for him as he was is a regular footer. He seemed to live without inhibitions and seized opportunity when it came his way- and that's what it takes to ride lines like this when the window of opportunity presents itself- best part is there was no angles to shoot or even see this line. So I just grabbed a GoPro- Rock-n-roll Nyle, we'll see you again soon enough thanks for your light and balanced attitude" - Travis Rice



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