AFTERGLOW | Watch Full Film by Sweetgrass Productions

AFTERGLOW - Full Film by Sweetgrass Productions

Presented by Philips TV and Atomic Skis
Featuring: Pep Fujas, Eric Hjorleifson, Daron Rahlves, and Chris Benchetler

From the depth of the creative visuals to the groundbreaking, never-been-done-before scale of the shoot, Afterglow is being hailed as one of the most cinematically profound ski movies ever made. Deep pillows and Alaskan spines, all filmed at night, with massive lights, custom made LED suits, and a national governments worth of logistics, planning, and civil engineering.

Filmed as a partnership between Sweetgrass Productions, Philips TV, and the Swedish Agency Ahlstrand & Wållgren, it's two parts creativity, one part branded content, and a pinch of masochism for good measure. Overall, it's an incredibly unique partnership between our vision of skiing and the color and light technology behind the Philips Ambilight TV.

Supported by: Atomic, Freefly Systems (MOVI), NiteRider, Golden Alpine Holidays, Alyeska Resort & Talvista Lodge.

Shot on location at: Golden Alpine Holidays Sentry Lodge, Alyeska Resort, and the Alaskan Wilderness



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