Burton Presents - The Teaser


Burton Presents

Introducing Burton Presents, a nine part web series showcasing Burton’s top riders. Watch Mikey Rencz riding with Jussi Oksanen, Jeremy Jones alongside Mikkel Bang, Mark Sollors with Alek Oestreng, Kelly Clark with Enni Rukajärvi and Chloe Kim, and Zak Hale trading hits with Ethan Deiss. Mark McMorris and Kimmy Fasani will be featured in individual parts, and the series will also include an exclusive look into Danny Davis’ Peace Park. Dropping every two weeks starting September 16, 2014.

9/16 – Mikey Rencz and Jussi Oksanen
9/30 – Jeremy Jones and Mikkel Bang
10/14 – Mark McMorris
10/28 – Mark Sollors and Alek Oestreng
11/11 – Danny Davis Peace Park
11/18 – Kimmy Fasani
11/25 – Zak Hale and Ethan Deiss
12/2 – Women’s featuring Kelly Clark, Enni Rukajärvi, and Chloe Kim

Mark McMorris, Danny Davis, Jussi Oksanen, Jeremy Jones, Terje Haakonsen, Mikey Rencz, Mark Sollors, Alek Oestreng, Zak Hale, Ethan Deiss, Roope Tonteri, Kelly Clark, Kimmy Fasani, Enni Rukajärvi, Ben Ferguson, and Nik Baden

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