[Full-Length] From the Road Film from Dynafit

by Updated March 2, 2016

WATCH on Vimeo here: https://vimeo.com/106642668

From The Road is a story of a skier’s personal journey, seen through the lens of redemption and triumph. Delivered through the unique personal perspective of former professional ski guide Eric Henderson, the film is centered on a human powered ski adventure in Alaska with a diverse team of ski athletes on iconic peaks in the heart of the Chugach Mountains. From The Road offers a unique view into the sport of backcountry skiing, and both its human limitations and liberations, ultimately revealing why this particular group of skiers have joined – to give Henderson another try at Meteorite Peak, a foreboding peak normally reserved for helicopter skiing, where he broke his neck in 2009 causing his professional guiding career to come to a screeching halt.



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