Malibu Fable from Peak Performance


“What is your dream trip? When I saw Malibu Club up a remote fjord on the coast of BC Canada for the first time 6 years ago, and the sheer majesty of the peaks surrounding it, my dream trip came together in my head in an instant. I imagined staying at this amazing lodge with friends and family, having our own private helicopter parked outside on the lawn ready to take us into the mountains to explore and ski, and a boat to play with on the ocean.
This past winter, my dream became a reality as my friend Willie Goldman, my wife Tessa and son Kasper joined me for one amazing tale, 'Malibu Fable'.”

Starring: Dave Treadway, Willie Goldman, Tessa and Kasper Treadway
Directed by: Athan Merrick
Produced by: Dendrite Studios ( and Dave Treadway
Executive Producer: Daniel Bergstrom / Peak Performance
Cinematography: Athan Merrick and Jamie Tanner
Editor: Athan Merrick
Photographer: Nicolas Teichrob
Additional Cinematography: Brandon Kelly and Ben Webb
Special Thanks: Malibu Club, pilot Mike Quinn
Music: Josh Garrels



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