Pathology: A Movie About Snowboarding and Humans.

by Updated November 22, 2014

Bryan Fox and Austin Smith partnered with storyteller Liam Gallagher to document a season of their experiences and showcase their slice of snowboarding. Collaborating with fellow boarders Tim Eddy, Curtis Ciszek, Shaun McKay, Alex Yoder, Rube Goldberg, Rip Zinger and more. These intrepid friends created a movie that provides apt examples of why collectively, we will all do whatever it takes to be able to strap in at the top of a line and make rolling arcs downhill. From powder turns, to steep backcountry lines, to a whole segment filled just with half-buried snowmobiles, every shot in Pathology is a blatant reminder of why we snowboard.

Huge Sled Drop from Pathology Movie



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