Pretty Faces Official 2014 All-Female Ski Trailer by Unicorn Picnic

A teaser from the new all-women ski flick Pretty Faces from Lynsey Dyer and Unicorn Picnic.
by Updated December 30, 2014

The Pretty Faces trailer from Lynsey Dyer and Unicorn Picnic (backed by Kickstarter) has finally arrived....turns out it does exist.  The official movie for Lynsey Dyer and Unicorn Picnic’s all-female film Pretty Faces will premiere on September 30th in Boulder, CO.

For more information including tour information head to

Female Athletes

Lynsey Dyer, Elyse Saugstad, Rachael Burks, Maude Raymond, Ingrid Backstrom, Caroline Gleich and others.

The digital download The Pretty Faces is now available! Pick up your copy here ->



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