Skiing the Troll Wall by Kilian Jornet | Salomon TV


The Troll Wall is the tallest vertical rock face in Europe in which we can find the iconic Fiva Route, that has never been skied before Kilian Jornet gave it a go in 2018. Discover Kilian’s journey to become one of the best steep skiers in the world and how he managed to descend a challenging route in the Norwegian Alps !

Featuring: Kilian Jornet, Vivian Bruchez, Alex Pittin, Henki Flatlandsmo, Halvor Hagen, Sebastien Montaz-Rosset.

A film by Raymond Aasen & Matti Bernitz. Photo by Kilian Jornet, Sebastien Montaz-Rosset, Raymond Assen, Matti Bernitz, Guillaume Broust.

Editing by Thomas Dahle, Raymond Assen, Matti Bernitz. Produced by Kilian Jornet, Salomon and Lymbus.



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