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Difference between upwind vs. downwind?

What is the difference between being up wind versus being down wind?

6 Answers


When you walk towards the wind (blowing in your face), you are upwind (or going against the direction of the wind). When you walk with the wind blowing on your back, you are downwind (going with the direction of the wind).

When hunting you want to walk upwind, so you keep the wind in your face. That way animals like deer won't be able to smell you as you get closer to them.

If a deer is downwind from you, it will be able to smell you, since the wind is blowing your smell towards the deer.  If he's upwind from you, he won't be able to smell you, since the wind is blowing your smell behind you (not towards the deer).

The smoke from a campfire, along with your scent will be carried by the wind and float downwind from the campfire.

Upwind is when wind blows directly in your face.

Downwind is when wind blows on your back.


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Upwind is when an obsever moving against wind direction, whereby resultant speed is obtained by substracting speed of wind (Vw)from speed of an observer(Vo).While downwind is when an observer is moving in the direction of wind the resultant speed will be greater by adding Vw and Vo

Upwind, with the wind blowing in your face

Upwind is a release of gas from the mouth and downwind is a release of gas from your sphincter.


Downwind is the direction the wind is blowing towards. This applies regardless of whether you're facing away from it or towards it.
This is why hunters, whether human or animal, stay downwind, so that their scent won't be carried towards the prey.

Susiq is correct. It has to do with your position relative to another’s position ex: animals or predators…. If you are up wind the wind is blowing from your position towards the others position carrying your scent right to them making it very easy for them to know you are there and even track you. If you are down wind the wind is blowing from their direction towards you…giving you the upper hand.

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