For a good run down of what you should carry in a mountain biking medical kit, check out Evoc's very own First Aid Kit. Here's what's in the Evoc First Aid Kit:
- Insulating first-aid blanket (210 cm x 160 cm)
- Disposable gloves (1 x 2)
- First aid wound bandage (8 x 6 cm x 10 cm)
- Adhesive plasters (2,5 cm x 5 m)
- Triangular bandage for stabilising arms and shoulders (136 cm x 96 cm x 96 cm)
- Compression bandage to take care of cuts and lacerations (2 x 7,5 cm x 7,5 cm)
- First aid dressing pack (8 cm x 3 m)
- Elastic bandage (8 cm x 4m)
- Scissoirs (1 x)
- Tweezers (1 x)
- Pencil and paper slips (1 x)
- Waterproof pouch with taped seams
- Quick access to first aid gear
- Imprinted emergency plan
- Emergency whistle integrated
Adventure Medical Kits also make various sized Ultralight and waterproof First Aid Kits for mountain biking, like their popular Adventure Medical Kits Ultralight & Watertight .5. which includes the following:
- 2 - After Bite Wipe2 - Antihistamine (Dip
- henhydramine 25 mg)
- 2 - Aspirin (325 mg), Pkg./2
- 2 - Ibuprofen (200 mg), Pkg./2
- 2 - Acetaminophen (500 mg), Pkg./2
Wound Care
- 6 - Antiseptic Wipe
- 2 - Alcohol Swab
- 1 - Tape, 1/2" x 10 Yards
- 1 - Skin Tac™ Topical Adhesive, Wipe
- 2 - Triple Antibiotic Ointment, Single Use
If you make your own First Aid Kit, just make sure your first aid kit is in a waterproof bag / pouch so the First Aid materials don't get wet or muddy. The following are a few good pieces of kit you should consider having in your mountain biking Medical Kit:
- Rubber gloves
- Antiseptic Wipes
- Swabs
- Steri-Strip Skin closures
- Band-Aids
- Sling / compression tape
- Ibuprofen
- Antihistamine