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What's the best trail map for hiking the Adirondack High Peaks?

I'm planning to do some hiking in the ADKs and want to know which map or maps I should bring with me hiking to tackle the Adirondack Mountain High Peaks?

1 Answer


The best map for hiking the Adirondack High Peaks (46ers) is the the Adirondack Mountain Club's Trails of the Adirondack High Peaks map (currently 14th edition topographic map by Tony Goodwin). The map corresponds with ADK's High Peaks Trails guidebook, which is well worth picking up for an excellent reference guide and now features expanded coverage of all 46 Adirondack High Peaks. It's also pocket-sized so it's easily to access from a pant pocket. Included in this new edition are all trail revisions and updates, campsite locations, and unmarked paths.

In addition, to the AMC map, you may also want to pick up National Geographic Trails Illustrated Lake Placid, High Peaks: Adirondack Park map. However, if you're planning to hike Whiteface or Esther, neither are featured on the National Geo trails map.

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