[Short Film] The North Face Presents: Beyond the Summit w/ Kit DesLauriers


After becoming the first person to ski the Seven Summits, team athlete Kit DesLauriers found herself searching for purpose beyond herself. And through an epic adventure of athleticism, survival, and conservation, she found it. Beyond the Summit explores her two weeks of traversing the arctic on skis, telling the story of a diminishing snowpack in one of the most pristine wilderness areas in the world—the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

Directed by Natasha Mynhier, Co-Directed by Nate Luebbe, Produced by Rachel Nederveld, Edited by Eli James, Score by Andy Marsh, Director of Photography: Fisher Creative, Production Company: 37Laines


Also be sure to read Kit DesLauriers amazing book: Higher Love: Climbing and Skiing the Seven Summits



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