Turns & Curves featuring Giulia Monego from Bjarne Salén


The winter of 2014 - 2015 was a year with accidents in the mountains, but also full of amazing days with friends.

Giulia Monego had a great ski season but she also lost her best ski partner David Rosenbarger in the mountains. This film shows her winter and how she expresses herself as a professional skier loving what she does.

Bjarne Salén
FaceBook: facebook.com/Endlessflow-185856141445411/
Instagram: bjarnesalen
Twitter: bjarnesalen
Website: endlessflowfilms.com

Giulia Monego:
Website: giuliamonego.com/
Facebook: facebook.com/giulia.monego/?fref=ts
Instagram: giuliamonego
Twitter: giuliamonego



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